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Maia’s second Instagram account | Instagram

Who is @tomatit0cherry_ on Instagram? You’ll know right here...

© Photo taken on Instagram @maiareficco

The Story

It all started on July 29, 2023 (Approximate date). A certain account called "tomatit0cherry_" was wandering around on Instagram at the start we thought it was a fake account, a person pretended to be Maia or just a fan account. The next day this account puts its own photos and these are rare and well photographed photos.

We started to have doubts but we all subscribed and the more pictures there were and the more we understood that it was really Maia, until she announced in story.

© Photo taken on Instagram @tomatit0cherry_

What’s the account for?

According to Maia, this account is just used to post photos of her life one can as her main account except that on this one the photos are taken differently. That is to say with a very special phot device to have this kind of filter, quality, effect etc..

© Photo taken during Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin's shooting

The Vintage Camera

On the photo above Maia has a OLYMPUS brand camera named "OMD EM10".

© Photo taken on Instagram @maiareficco

This like of device doesn’t have an SD card or something that backs up the photos, it’s more like a disposable camera, that is to say it takes pictures and then leaves to make them processed by going to a special store in this case-there, this store is called TOKYO which is located in Argentina, in Buenos Aires (Exact place: Manuela Pedraza 2318, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1429) as I explained for the camera this store is a laboratory specialized in photography, they also sell other things, but they mostly do photo processing.

On this more recent photo Maia has a new camera that is of the brand FUJIFILM name of "Vintage FUJIFILM X100T" and it is this camera that Maia uses today for this second instagram account.

Find this device on the Maia Reficco Fashion website or in the FUJIFILM Boutique and Maia’s incredible news on the Maia Reficco France website.

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